R & B's Happenings

Where we've been and what we are doing.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bangladesh 2007

If we have calculated correctly, we have just completed our 21st mission trip since we began in 1996. The trips have varied in length—from five weeks to four and a half months. Our most recent trip to Bangladesh (our 4th) was one of our shorter trips—lasting only five weeks. Although the time was short, we were able to accomplish much of what we had set out to do while we were there. We are always introspective about the importance and value of our contribution to the institution we are supporting. We set goals and hold ourselves accountable, asking questions like: Has our work been worthwhile? Is it sustainable? Have the people we work with seen Christ in us? Have we been relational?

Our work primarily focuses on the development of libraries in small theological institutions that are struggling to produce pastors and other church workers for their congregations in developing countries. On this trip we continued to assist in the development of the library at the College of Christian Theology in Bangladesh (CCTB). The College only has thirteen students this year (Four M.A. and nine B.Th.). They are mature and serious Christian leaders who come from a variety of evangelical Bangladesh churches. Many are already pastors who want to gain more theological knowledge. Some have limited English knowledge, but they all have an energetic desire to serve God.

What did we do?
·Rearranged the library’s collection to make it more useful and accessible.
·Explained to the students how information is organized in the library. Some of the students knew almost nothing about libraries.

·Taught research strategies and the basics of writing a research paper.
·Had two-two hour work sessions with the faculty to teach them how to make better use of the library in their instruction.
·Quadrupled access to the Internet through the purchase of three new cell phones.

·Introduced the Internet to the students (and some of the faculty). Demonstrated how to use it and its value for finding theological information, including some in the Bengali language!
·Cataloged difficult materials, including books in the Bengali language with translation help from our Bengali library assistant.
·Provided materials to enable the College to develop policies and procedures for the library.
·Developed personal relationships with some of the students.

·Put the library’s collection information on the Internet. It can be accessed at www.Libraryworld.com/opac Library: type in CCTB (no password needed). Why don’t you take a look? Try searching a few theological words. Don’t forget to sign out when finished.
·In addition to our work at CCTB, we also spent two days cataloging and adding books to the CRWRC library collection. It is one of the finest collections of relief agency materials in Bangladesh. Two years ago we put the CRWRC collection on the Internet. Interested in looking at it? Go to www.Libraryworld.com/opac and type in CRWRC. No password is needed. Try searching words like sustainability or microenterprise. It will give you some idea of the content of the library. Don’t forget to sign out.

Were we good emissaries?
Was our concern for them and the love of Christ demonstrated in our relationships with the students? Have we made a difference in their lives? We believe we have, but that is not for us to judge. If we thought otherwise, we would not put ourselves out to work in the difficult circumstances we have had to deal with while in Bangladesh.

We really appreciate your interest, prayers and support of our mission work. Our heartfelt appreciation to the Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church Mission Committee and individuals who have helped provide financial support. We wouldn’t be able to continue our work without you! Next mission trips: Guam/Chuuk (Ray – March 21; Barb – April 2) and Kenya (RITT) in October.

If you are interested in partnering with us, contributions can be made to Christian Reformed World Missions, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. S.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49560. Indicate that your donation is for Ray and Barbara Bouma.

Ray and Barbara


At 4:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi you two,

was great having you here again. So hope you'll remember Bangaldesh next time you go to the Pizza Hut :). THanks for everything,
C U around !!
Hug angie


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