Vision: Numerous Bible colleges, seminaries and Christian schools have been established by Evangelical Mission Agencies in developing countries. Many of these institutions could significantly improve the level of their educational programs, and the quality of their graduates, by developing quality library resource centers. Our goal is to help them do so.
More than forty years ago we were given the incredible opportunity to serve in
For the first twenty two years after we returned from
In 1994, The State of Illinois offered qualified educators a one time early retirement incentive by adding five additional years of service. After a quick check on our finances, we realized that this was an opportunity of a lifetime that would give us a chance to return to some type of volunteer mission work. With that in mind, Ray retired in 1994 and Barbara followed two years later, in 1996.
Our first volunteer mission service was to help build a recording studio for Audio Scripture Ministries in
We are dedicated to help develop a critically important area in missions today—to improve and modernize the libraries in theological colleges and other mission institutions in developing countries. Christian Reformed World Missions has appointed us as long term volunteers serving as theological library consultants. To that end, we are still providing leadership in developing the libraries at the Christian College of Theology Bangladesh (CCTB) and the Reformed Institute for Theological Training (RITT) in Kenya and the Pacific Islands Bible College (PIBC) in Guam/Chuuk.
We are also undertaking a substantial new mission endeavor. Under the auspices of Christian Reformed World Missions, we are providing the leadership to develop a network of Christian librarians to work alongside us to strengthen libraries in mission institutions in developing countries. The formation of the network is just in its in initial stages and is a formidable challenge and task. It is a collaborative project by CRWM and Reformed
Our work will most likely increase in the future. It is our intent to continue to work in developing countries as much as possible. However, we also recognize that our organizational leadership is needed to develop the Christian Librarian’s Network which will potentially improve the quality of education offered at theological colleges and other mission institutions in developing countries. It is our prayer that other retired Christian librarians will share our vision, and some will be willing to go on short term volunteer mission trips to mission institutions in developing countries, or assist in other ways.
We are excited by the challenge of serving God, missions and our fellowman through our unique ministry. Theological schools and other mission institutions in developing countries recognize that they need to organize and access the ever increasing amount of theological information available both in books and through the use of electronic sources. We are thankful that God has equipped us to assist them by bringing their libraries into the 21st century.